Approved by Govt of Tamil Nadu (G.O. NO. 72)

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Women’s Development Cell

Women’s Development Cell

Women’s Development Cell (WDC at MMAS

Women’s Development Cell (WDC) at Muthayammal Memorial College of Arts & Science is instituted in the month of October 2014. The aim of this cell is to prepare a woman of high potential to meet challenges of the society. It also aims to develop their self-confidence and leadership qualities that transform them into a responsible citizen through extension activities. It is a standalone cell collaborating with various public and private sectors.


WDC has a vision of encourage and redefine initiatives the scope of higher education given to rural & social responsible Women citizen and support of Women education against practices such as early marriage, female infanticide, women foeticide, domestic violence against women, unequal rights to women and health.


The cell for Women’s Development, Muthayammal Memorial College of Arts & Science will provide a platform.

  • To initiate women to achieve excellence in research, administration and nation building through superior education.
  • To fill the embryonic research eagerness on power areas on gender vision and integrity.
  • To support girl students in their endeavor to initiate or conduct interdisciplinary women’s studies.
  • To strive for the development of leadership qualities, personality and intellectual skills of the girl students.

These Members in the Women’s Development Cell is follows

  • Mrs. J. Gomathi
    HOD & AP/Tamil. (Co.Ord)